Welcome to Little Rock Compassion Center.
The Little Rock Compassion Center, Inc. is an inner-city mission focused on a ministry of hope to those experiencing homelessness, hunger, and those who are displaced and under-resourced in the Little Rock area.
We provide a clear message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as help for physical needs while helping people transition back into the community and into local churches. Our services are provided to any and all people groups in the inner-city in an open, caring manner, recognizing the God-given human dignity of every individual.
The Compassion Center, Inc., established in October of 1998, is a Christian organization dedicated to expressing the love of God through the ministries of feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We hold regular church services on Sunday and Wednesday as well as Bible studies five nights a week and every morning at 7:00 am. Our kitchen is open for breakfast, lunch, and supper daily. Last year we served 183,000 meals and we expect a 20% increase this year. We provide beds for 40 women and 200 men nightly. Last year we provided 52,000 bed nights for those experiencing homelessness.

Our kitchen meals which are available to the community are served 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We provide shelter and 250 beds nightly to Men, Women, and Families. This would not be possible without your generous support.

We know that food and shelter is not enough for our needy. We support and help restore hope through the gospel teachings and love of Jesus Christ.

Through your support, we are changing lives at the LRCC. Those who successfully complete our Recovery Program find a great start on a new life.
A Message from Rev. Holloway
You make a difference!
Every month thousands of people in our Little Rock community have to choose between paying the rent and going hungry. Many turn to us for food, shelter, and a hand up to a better life. It used to be mostly older men needing the Compassion Center. Now it is also mothers with children and younger men.
There is hope for all.
Ever since we opened our doors we’ve seen people recover from depressions, recessions, and brokenness. The hungry are fed. The homeless have a safe place to stay. A new start is offered to all who want it. People are blessed. Families are restored. New jobs are found and kept. Joy comes and stays forever. Your gifts put food on the table and keep the doors open. Our guests see God at work in this place and find a faith of their own. All things are possible with God who cares for all.
Please join us. Our neighbors need you today more than ever.
William Holloway