Drug & Alcohol Recovery Program
Are you or a loved one tired of the bad decisions you make when using alcohol or drugs? Do you want to take a step forward and claim this day as your first day towards being free from the bonds of alcohol and drugs?
We offer a 12-step program to assist you in conquering the powerful addictions that are holding you back from reaching your true, full potential. Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, we offer this program that so many have completed.
To begin your step forward, and for more information on the program and how it can help deliver you, please download and fill out our Drug and Alcohol Program Application. Once completely filled out, contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Women & Children's Shelter

90-Day Journey
Stay at the Compassion Center and learn:
- Who you are.
- Who God is.
- How to break hurtful habits.
- How to follow Jesus Christ.
- How to love others.
- Hot to earn a living wage and use it well.
- How to leave a legacy for others.
Graduates of the 90-Day Journey may join the 8-Month Turn Around and finish in 5 months.

8-Month Turn Around Program

In the 8-Month Turn Around program, you’ll receive all the training of the 90-Day Journey, plus the training to make it stick. Most students need this extra time to turn their lives around and follow Christ.
Graduates of the 8-Month Turn Around program may stay for up to 8 months more in the New Horizons Living Center while they work, save money, and prepare for their future.

Emergency Shelter
For men experiencing homelessness and in need of emergency shelter, we have a 200-bed facility for overnight care.
Women & Children
For women and children experiencing homelessness and in need of shelter for the evening, we provide beds for 40 for overnight care. Check-in is from 3-7 pm, and after 7, they can call 501-663-2972, and if we have an opening arrangements can be made for them to come in.

Hot Meals
Hot meals are served three times a day, 365 days a year. Last year hot meals were provided along with food pantry boxes, making a total of over 195,000 meals provided in 2021.
Breakfast 6:30 – 7:00am
Lunch 12:00 – 12:30pm
Supper 4:30 – 5:30pm
Education Program
Food Pantry
Clothing Assistance
Thrift Store
Tue-Sat 9am - 5pm
Residential Savings Program

Our Social Savings Program is designed for clients who receive monthly income, whether it be fixed or via a job they are working, and desire to learn to become better stewards of their God-given resources.
While they stay here, they will save 75% of their income, meet with their Case Manager weekly to work on budgeting, life skills, life goals and volunteer at LRCC a few hours per week.
A sack lunch is also provided for them to take to work each day.
Spiritual Guidance

Praise & Worship
God has a message and He is changing lives every day. We are excited to be a part of his healing power and praise him for the work he is doing through our organization. Hallelujah!
Schedule of Services
Sunday Morning: 10:00 am
Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening: 7:00 pm
Prayer at 6:45 am and 6:30 pm daily
Morning Devotionals
Every morning at 7:00 am, devotionals and prayer start the day for those on recovery and staff. This is a wonderful part of every Christian life – to begin the day meditating on God’s plan for our lives. Having a group to support you in a like-minded goal is vital to the success of the Recovery Program.
If you would like to volunteer your time to meet and pray for recovering individuals, please click here to learn more about our volunteer opportunities.
Biblically Based Guidance
The Word of God is the guideline that is followed to show people the way out of their problems and back to God and his will.
Bible Study
Bible Studies are held five nights a week as a spiritual meal to accompany the physical meals we serve.